Project: Mater Hospital Laboratory, Dublin

Existing services and plant decommissioning, soft stripping, temporary works, controlled robotic demolition of load-bearing and non-load bearing structures, wire-sawing existing RC stairs and landings, saw-cutting RC slabs, and diamond drilling to enable new drainage run installations.

This particular work required noise, dust and vibration pollution control—which is critical in a hospital environment—and the use of robotic demolition plan.

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38kV Substation at Crossmore Windfarm


Compound Perimeter Fencing


One of the numerous Compounds constructed by our Utilities Teams complete with Palisade Perimeter Fencing

Telecoms Tower Erection


One of the numerous Telecoms Towers Erected by our Utilities Teams

Services Ducting and Chambers


One of the numerous Telecoms compounds constructed by our Utilities Teams

Telecoms Compound Construction and Tower Erection


One of the numerous compounds constructed by our Utilities Teams

Compound Access Road Construction


One of the numerous Access Roads constructed by our Utilities Teams

Telecommunications Compound – Palisade Perimeter Fencing


One of the numerous Telecoms compounds constructed by our Utilities Teams

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Structive Civil Engineering is a highly skilled engineering firm that works closely with clients to ensure that each and every project is delivered to the highest engineering standards. The latest engineering methodologies are utilised to develop the most cost-effective solutions.

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